Hello. Sorry for the delay in posting but it's been a busy weekend. Plus the hubby has Sun/Mon off so I'm not on here much those days. Anyways.....This heatwave has been driving me bonkers. Keeping these kids in the house is hard! My son is bouncing off the walls and all my daughter wants to do is eat! The baby could care less. Sunday we went to see my brother-in-law & sister-in-law. She's up for the summer from Tenn. to help him out w/ his kids. After that, we had what I was hoping would go well but not holding my breath on it dinner. It was about an hour & a 1/2 past our normal dinnertime. Surprisingly, it went fine. Alison was being a little difficult about waiting for the food. You see, when we do go out, it's usually to the Chinese buffet. This time we went to Red Lobster. I got a gift card for taking a survey. Stephen was very well behaved to my delight! When he acts like that, you almost forget about the autism. Monday we went to the safari @ Great Adventure. The kids love getting to see the animals up close.

The giraffe licked one of the windows! They really got a laugh out of that one!
Today didn't start off so well, my keys got locked in the van! Guess they must have fell out yesterday during the fun! Stephen got VERY upset that we couldn't go anywhere this morning! He was yelling, screaming, being mean.....you name it! He even tried to go outside on his own! So much for forgetting about autism! I'm hoping this week will go well. I had told them about going to a friend's farm but that might not be happening. Hopefully they'll forget or at least take it well. Hubby has 3 days off w/ the holiday & we might go to a park and meet up w/ the in-laws (his bro & sis). We'll see what happens.....until next time!
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